Every weekday millions of Americans head out to work with the mindset that they will complete a day’s workload and return home injury free, and free of any health-related risks. Most corporations and businesses take precautions to ensure the safety of their employees. But, as we all know, accidents happen.
Obviously, some industries pose more risks than others. For instance, construction workers need to have durable and sturdy protective gear that they wear in order to stay safe and injury free. Let’s look at some tips for keeping the workplace safe and injury free.
6 Tips for Preventing Injuries and Accidents in the Workplace
6 Tips for Preventing Workplace Accidents | Fort Wayne Workers Compensation Attorney
Create a Safety and Wellness Plan – No matter the size of your company, you should have an accident prevention and wellness program in place. This program will address every level of employee safety and health, as it relates to the work environment. For instance, employees who are extremely sick and contagious should stay home from work.
- Foster a High-Level of Alertness – There’s a reason workplaces often provide their employees with free coffee. Not only does it keep them awake and alert, but it could just prevent an employee from getting into an accident. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) even suggests many employees involved in workplace accidents are those who fall asleep at their work.
- Wear Safety Gear – If the job requires it, then employees need to be wearing any piece of protective gear necessary to ensure their safety, and the safety of others. The employer should also have a training program in place to property train employees how to use protective gear, such as goggles, masks, gloves, hard hats, safety shoes or boots, and ear plugs or headphones.
- Pre-employment Screening – This helps employers choose employees with more experience and the physical aptitude to carry out the duties of their jobs. Pre-employment screening allows employers to select the best candidates for placement into positions that best match their physical attributes and capabilities.
- Evaluate Workplace Safety Level and Vulnerabilities – Every workplace is different, which is why it’s also a good idea to make a thorough evaluation of the workplace, and any possible locations for accidents, such as slips and falls. Then, develop strategies to deal with such accidents.
- Emergency Drills – These are often boring for employees, but they are necessary and useful. These drills will become ingrained in the conscious and subconscious of your employees, and you’d be surprised how well they remember what is expected of them, if a surprise drills or real emergency arises.
Contact a Fort Wayne Workers’ Compensation Attorney at Finderson Law, LLC
If you or someone you love has been injured in a workplace accident, contact a Fort Wayne Workers’ Compensation Attorney at Finderson Law, LLC to get answers about your potential claim. For a free, no obligation initial consultation, call (260) 420-8600 or email us by hitting the “Contact” tab at the top of the screen to learn more about your legal options for financial recovery.
Finderson Law, LLC doesn’t charge any fees unless we obtain a recovery for you. So, you have nothing to lose and potentially everything to gain by contacting us to find out more about your legal options.